Porencephaly as a rare cause of nystagmus
Muhammad Nu’aim Ishak1,2, Ramiza Ramza Ramli1, Irfan Mohamad1

Nystagmus is a condition of involuntary oscillatory movement of the eyes that may present in various patterns. These different types of movement and direction of nystagmus along with associated signs and symptoms can give a clue as to the location of the site of lesion, and indicate possible aetiologies. In paediatric patients, most of the causes of nystagmus are infantile or congenital, and only a small percentage may be acquired. We describe the case of a boy with spontaneous nystagmus noted since he was 3 years old and having a learning disability without other otological or neurological problems. Magnetic resonance imaging of his brain showed a porencephalic cyst which is a very rare occurrence.